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Cart Integration


How to integrate the Short Video with your native shopping cart


Cart Integration Scope

The cart integration with Short Video is designed to work seamlessly with products created and managed through our CMS dashboard, utilizing the "Magento System" option. This integration is optimized to provide synchronization and functionality for products within this scope.

Products sourced from other sources or platforms may not be fully supported or synchronized with the Short Video cart. For the best experience, we recommend using the "Magento System" option for product management in your CMS dashboard.

Integrating the Cart with Short Video

Enhancing your live shopping experience with Short Video can be taken a step further by integrating the short video cart with your native shopping cart. This integration enables a seamless shopping journey for your audience. To achieve this, follow the steps below:


Before you begin, ensure that your e-commerce app or platform supports the following methods/API endpoints:

  1. Fetching product details.
  2. Adding products to the cart.
  3. Updating items in the cart.
  4. Checking the cart status (optional).


To make use of the short video cart feature, you need to handle some cart-related events. You will find the list of required events and configurations with details and examples below. Required events to be handled


Get the element instance from your embed code

<story-block-playlist playlist-id="b9181a9c-a793-4b4b-0c46-08da546384f8" video-height="480" loop id="story"></story-block-playlist>
const storyEl = document.getElementById("story")

Providing More Product Data

Event name: SYNC_PRODUCT


Trigger: When the browser render the short video.

In the CMS dashboard, only limited product details are stored, such as the product's title, thumbnail, brand, and a product reference. To enable the cart feature, you can use the event callback to fetch additional product details from your inventory and enrich the products displayed in the show with extra information.

data (an object that includes the following properties)playlistId: The ID of the playlist associated with the video.string
videoId: The ID of the video.string
productSkus: An array of product SKUs associated with the video.array
callbackTo provide your product informationsfunction
Example code:
storyEl.eventManager.on('SYNC_PRODUCT', (data, callback) => {
const { playlistId, videoId, productSkus } = data;
// Fetch product details from your inventory based on the productSkus
// Add more product data such as images, variations, and prices
const productDetails = {
// Add your product details here

In this updated code, we're using the event callback (callback) to provide the enriched product data directly within the event handler. This way, you can fetch the necessary product details and send them to the short video for display when the SYNC_PRODUCT event is triggered.

Make sure to replace // Add your product details here with the actual product details you fetch from your inventory.

Handle "Add To Cart" Event

Event name: ADD_TO_CART


Trigger: When a viewer clicks the "Add to Cart" button inside the short video.

In the short video, viewers can add products to the cart. To reflect these actions in your native cart, implement a custom method to add the selected product to the cart within the ADD_TO_CART event handler.

When callback(true), the product will be added to the short video cart.

When callback(false), an appropriate error message will appear in the short video

data (an object that includes the following properties)playlistId: The ID of the playlist associated with the video.string
videoId: The ID of the video.string
itemId: The ID of the item.string/number
quantity: The quantity of the item.string/number
properties: Additional properties or details about the item.object
callbackTo inform the short video cart if the process of handling the event was successful or unsuccessfulfunction
Example code:
storyEl.eventManager.on('ADD_TO_CART', (data, callback) => {
.then(() => {
callback(true); // item successfully added to cart
.catch(error => {
if (error.type === 'out-of-stock') {
// Unsuccessful due to 'out of stock'
success: false,
reason: 'out-of-stock',
} else {
// Unsuccessful due to other problems

Handle "Update Cart" Event



Trigger: Whenever the viewer modifies quantity from the short video cart.

In addition to adding items to the cart, a viewer can also increase or decrease the quantity of a previously added item, or even remove the item from the cart.

To reflect this event to you native cart, you will need to use your own method to update the product to the native cart within the UPDATE_ITEM_IN_CART event handler.

When callback(true), the product will be changed to the Short Video cart.

When callback(false), an appropriate error message will appear in the short video.

data (an object that includes the following properties)playlistId: The ID of the playlist associated with the video.string
videoId: The ID of the video.string
id: The ID of the item.string/number
quantity: The quantity of the item.string/number
properties: Additional properties or details about the item.object
callbackTo inform the short video cart if the process of handling the event was successful or unsuccessfulfunction
Example code:
storyEl.eventManager.on('UPDATE_ITEM_IN_CART', (data, callback) => {
quantity: data.quantity,
.then(() => {
// cart update was successful
.catch(function(error) {
if (error.type === 'out-of-stock') {
success: false,
reason: 'out-of-stock',
} else {

Handle "Go to Checkout" Event

Event name: CHECKOUT


Trigger: When a viewer clicks the "Checkout" button inside the short video cart.

When the viewer is happy with their shopping cart, they can click the Checkout button inside the short video cart.

To handle the checkout process, specify the location of your website's cart within the CHECKOUT event. This allows viewers to seamlessly transition to the checkout process on your website.

data (an object that includes the following properties)playlistId: The ID of the playlist associated with the video.string
videoId: The ID of the video.string
Example code:
storyEl.eventManager.on('CHECKOUT', (data) => {

Handle "Sync the Cart" Event



Trigger: When the browser render the short video.

In this step, you'll sync the short video cart with the currency, and the contents of your cart to provide a consistent and seamless shopping experience.

data (an object that includes the following properties)playlistId: The ID of the playlist associated with the video.string
videoId: The ID of the video.string
callbackTo provide the current cart contentfunction
Example code:
storyEl.eventManager.on('SYNC_CART_STATE', (data, callback) => {
// Fetch the current cart contents from your native cart
const cartContents = await fetchCartContents(); // Implement your own method

currency: your_currency,
items: cartContents